Thursday, August 27, 2009

Jan's Jeans Stash

Okay -- so the recycled jeans challenge is officially ON. And Jan sent this impressive picture of her sewing room and her beautiful Pfaff sewing machine...and her beautiful Viking sewing machine. How many machines do you two girls have, between you?

Wow. Very impressive 'sewing studio". (Ya'll would be very disappointed if I posted a picture of my sewing machine sitting on top of a folding table, stuck behind the pool's not so much a sewing studio as it is a corner of my crowded basement...)


From Jan:

and the flower stuff is..... - vogue DKNY pattern - no plain old blue stuff for me!! Bonne, I'm impressed with your volumn of jeans to work from - I will be OUT of jeans before this challenge is done - who's idea was this anyway? Oh right! Thanks Luveta for sigining up on this blog first!!! ha ha ha! Guess its better than if Martha Pullen had signed in - we'd be doing heirloom baby bonnets!

P.S. Hey -- Martha is a rock star -- and, as a new Grandma, there is something very sweet about an heirloom baby bonnet. That reminds me -- I have some GREAT pictures of Lillian Claire, wearing my husband's 65-year old Christening much to little time...

AND -- don't forget that tonight is the NEW episode of Project Runway! So -- Bonne & Jan, Debra, Mary, Linda, Sandy & #7 (you know who you are) -- be sure to TUNE IN. It's really fun to watch and think about how you might handle the challenge....It starts at 8:00 on Lifetime. If you missed last week's premiere -- they will be repeating it tonight. C'mon -- give it a shot!! Some of these designers really can sew!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rita - such a fun blog and what a challenge - what's denium? (LOL) How many machines do the girls have - are you even allowed to ask that? I don't think that's a politically correct question for sewers is it? Two, Four, Six - what does it matter so long as they all have a new needle!!! I'm in on Project Runway - and can't wait to see your little Lillian in that gown!
