Monday, September 13, 2010

Cleaning My Bra Drawer

It took me only 5 minutes to clear out ALL THE BRAS I DO NOT WEAR...

Here's my latest epiphany. By cleaning out your underwear drawer, you may get insight into how you've been living your life. Really. It is stunning to me how many bras I had in that drawer that fit into these shocking categories:

A. Bras I should never have purchased in the first place. (the tags are still on this itchy, lacy PADDED bra...)

B. Bras that have not fit me for at least 5 years....(the underwire in this one caused a blood blister)...

C. Bras I wore out when Jimmy Carter was President....

Yes, my name is Rita and I hoard bras. Today I am throwing way 20+ bras that were taking up valuable drawer space in my life. And I think it's a metaphor...

20+ bras I never wear. 20+ bras I've been shuffling around every single morning -- for years!! Why did I keep them? Why didn't I stop to consider what was in the drawer? To think about what I was doing?

The morning shuffle in my underwear drawer was an unconscious act for me...and maybe leaving all the useless bras in there gave me the delusion of plentifulness...or was it nothing more than a bad habit? Caused by my laziness...

So now I'm wondering. What other things in my life are unconscious bad habits. What have I been hanging on to for WAAAAAY too long?

2010 was the year I cleaned out my old office (now Lillian's room), and I've been working steadily on clearing my basement.

Of course, my motivation was mostly to avoid being nominated for an episode of the A&E "Hoarders" show...but...for whatever reason...

Like most things in life -- the hardest part was MAKING THE COMMITMENT. Cuz, at the end of the day -- it took 5 minutes to clean out that bra drawer.



  1. I really need to do that. But what to do with the toss-outs? There's only so many lacy beanies one can wear before people start to talk.

  2. I love my Mom's rule - if she buys an article of clothing, she has to get rid of one. Local charities get some nice clothes from her. I'm like her too - I get tired of clothes before I wear them out, so I donate them to charity and buy/sew new ones.
    When my husband & I went house hunting, we deliberatly looked at small homes, as there's only the two of us. My attitude is everything must fit in my 1200 sq ft house and both cars must fit in the garage. I am so anti-packrat, that I sometimes get in trouble at work for tossing something that we could possibly maybe use in the next 20 years. I could make a lot of money cleaning out stashes :-)
    Laura in Puyallup
