Sunday, October 17, 2010

Happy 40th Anniversary, John!

How is it possible that I have been married to the same man for 40 years?? October 17, 1970 was a beautiful fall day in New Philadelphia, Pennsylvania...and of course, neither one of us knew what we were signing up for.

One of the reasons we lasted so long is because John is smarter than me. Actually, he's so smart -- he pretends I'm as smart as he is. But when the boys were small -- I'd wait up for him (he worked second shift and got home at 12:35 every night) -- and we'd play Scrabble. I had those scoring notebooks for years...and I never once beat him.
We are NOW at a point in our lives where we know it's important to enjoy every single moment. We spent many years worrying about the wrong stuff..(mostly -- that was him..) Maybe you appreciate the good times that much more if getting there wasn't easy...

John is the happiest retired guy in America. In the winter, he is always trying to bake the PERFECT loaf of crusty Italian bread...

Most of the time, it's just the two of us living in this house. Maybe that's the measure, eh? How well the two of you get along once the kids move out...
Hey -- I'm gonna quit now before I get all mushy and unrealistic. This marriage has not been a Fairy's a work in progress. But we are in a very good place. We both savor the moments and enjoy the simple pleasures...
Happy Anniversary, John...Because of you -- I've had a wonderful life.

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