Saturday, August 31, 2013

Project Runway

I am not going to blog every week about Project Runway -- because, well -- I'm just not that into it.

Don't get me wrong -- I watch it every single week.  But, mostly -- I tape it and watch it on Friday night -- when there is NOTHING ELSE ON TELEVISION.

This time around, the quality of the designers is SO disappointing. I mean, really? How many applications do they receive and why did they pick THESE people? And what is the actual criteria? Because so far, every week feels like a "No-Doze"challenge. The garments coming down that runway are ill-conceived, poorly made and completely forgettable.

The challenges have been equally as lame. Too many disconnected paid sponsor placements which make no sense. The yogurt challenge, mixed up with an amusement park? Then a water challenge and a completely random glamping episode?? Anybody remember a garment?

I rest my case...

AND THE JUDGES!! What is their job, anyway? Because here's how it works now....

Heidi (the producer) speaks first -- and then everybody else chimes in with their complete agreement. If she says "it feels dated"...every other judge on the panel starts using words like "not current, old-school"...etc... IT IS SO BORING. I wonder what their comments would be if they were in a sound-proof booth. Because it is unbelievable that any group of people could be so harmonious...

But, now that I'm thinking about the power of the "Heidi Factor" -- this woman is WASTING HER TALENTS. Really. TO hell with America's Got Talent and Project Runway. I SAY HEIDI KLUM FOR PRESIDENT!!

No kidding. If Heidi was the President -- she could bring Congress and the White House together and the world would be a better place!!

Yes, I know -- she's here is a bit of danger involved. And, of course -- we'd have to change the constitution first. But I'm ready to take the risk...


1 comment:

  1. I watch it on the internet - for when I'm bored.

    Yeah, Heidi Klum for president would unite factions at the white house.
    Since i voted 'constitution's party last time to avoid the top two twits, she would be a vast improvement. She even has foreign affairs experience.
