Thursday, February 27, 2014

My Pinterest Point of View

Weight is my lifetime challenge. But talking about diets is THE MOST BORING topic under the sun. So I try to NEVER write posts about dieting -- and I seldom consider it an interesting topic for real conversation. But bear with me here...

While analyzing my bad eating habits, I realized (AGAIN) that I do a lot of night time eating... unconscious eating...boredom, bad habit eating...

Hummm....I wish I knew how to crochet...what I need is a mindless activity that would keep my hands busy...something that might keep me from putting a potato chip in my mouth...

Then -- BAZINGA!! Why not use Pinterest time as my "reward points". Hey -- THIS COULD WORK.

So, last night, I went on to Pinterest and here are some of the pins that caught my interest...


  1. I think doing something you enjoy in the evening is a great strategy. I like to keep my hands busy knitting or doing the hand sewing. I try to be mindful about what I eat after dinner, and find if I brush my teeth right after dinner, I am less likely to eat.

  2. You are right, Donna -- and I love the phrase, "to be mindful about what I eat". I always say my biggest problem is unconscious eating!!
