Monday, March 31, 2014

Estate Sale Extravaganzas

So, yes, it was a great winter for Estate Sales. Here's a picture of the first mansion in McClellan Heights where Dick had a sale...
Then, a month later -- he was right across the street...
Bert carrying her antique sled...(among other treasures)
This Art Deco mirror was $700 (still there on day three, $350)
I bought this cast iron dutch oven in pristine condition for $10.
THIS was my biggest find of the winter. Only $5. I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE IT.  How lucky am I?  Oh, that's right....pretty damn lucky.  Do you get it?
It is the most adorable hand-painted little chair. It really does LOOK like a little boy
Another excellent treasure involved putting on my snow boots

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