Friday, March 6, 2015

2015 Valentine Party

My sister Deena has EIGHT grandchildren (oldest child is 8)...and one on the way!! SUCH BOUNTY, eh??

She is THAT Grandma...the one who cooks a big Sunday dinner E.V.E.R.Y... D.A.M.N...S.U.N.D.A.Y....

Lilly and Warren both love going to Aunt Deena's house -- because there is always this wonderful bevy of little kids to play with.

Deena's house has it, toys, books, music -- even bouncy houses for the yard. OMG...

Lilly was delighted to plan a Valentine's party to take to Aunt Deena's house. She had refreshments, games and a little craft activity all figured out...

AND, OF COURSE, I WAS DELIGHTED to take the party to Deena's cleaning for me...
Lilly planned the PERFECT craft activity....jello jigglers...
Oliver was delighted with his heart-shaped jiggler
Myla and Clayton were anxious to cut (and then EAT) their jiggler
The "game" activity was, of course, FREEZE DANCE...
We took turns following each other....
The leader yells "FREEZE"...and the rest of us had to do what she did...
Lilly had a little stuffed Valentine animal gift for every one of her cousins...
Here are the important elements for a successful little kid party:
  • food (Little Debbie Valentine Cakes)
  • games (Freeze Dance)
  • craft activity (Jello-Jigglers)
  • gift (Stuffed animals with Valentines)

The most important thing is THE PARTY CAN ONLY LAST FOR ONE HOUR...And, if you're doing it right -- the whole thing will cost less than twenty bucks (we collected the stuffed animals from thrift stores -- most of them cost 88 cents)...

Lilly spends every Saturday night at my house.  Sunday morning, I take her to Sunday School...and then we have the rest of the day to do whatever we want.  Sometimes we cook, or sew, or make something, or go to a play.  Grandma time is all about lessons.  And the truth is, Grandmothers can teach things in ways that busy young Mom's cannot.  The world has always worked that way...

My new thing is to do a random act of kindness every week...and a Valentine party was a pretty good excuse....

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