Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Gingerbread Village

During our visit to the Festival of Trees -- Lilly and I visited the Gingerbread Village.
I didn't realize they would have an entire room -- FULL of Gingerbread houses...
Lilly took all these pictures
She knew my cousin Kim was going to have a Gingerbread House party...
And Lilly said she was taking pictures so she could have design ideas...
Some of the houses were much more elaborate...
Lilly didn't take pictures of EVERY house...but she photographed this one four times...
I took a picture of Lilly taking a picture...
This roof was made out of sticks of chewing gum.
This roof was dried kiwi slices...
She LOVED the Minions...
It was almost too much to take in, y'know??
Lilly was delighted with all the different Gingerbread houses --she said she got a lot of ideas!
Lilly was so looking forward to Kim's party.  It was going to happen in two weeks...and Lilly is TOTALLY excited about decorating her very own Gingerbread House!!

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